Ars Libri in the Press

"At Ars Libri, 'our work is done by hand, the old way,' says Ksenia Kopystynska, book conservator and designer. Ask Kopystynska to restore your family bible that's falling apart, and she will apply her modern eye, renaissance sensibility, extensive European education, and decades of experience to its restoration."
Legacy, Alberta's Cultural Heritage Magazine.

"You don't need to be a book collector or a Hollywood star to find something interesting at Ars Libri. Kopystynska uses her bookbinding skills and the supple vegetable-dyed leathers she works with to create all sorts of beautiful, useful objects"
Legacy, Alberta's Cultural Heritage Magazine.

"Hers may be the most unique and is certainly the most European, studio in the city. This is a place where old-fashioned, handcrafted work is paramount. It's where both an artist and a scientist, combined in the person of Kopystynska, work their magic."
Edmonton Journal.